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Homescapes has a Bank system for exchanging real-life money for packs containing coins and boosters.

Starter Pack Bank
Starter Pack
Coins 1,500 | Rainbow Ball x1 | Double Plane x1 | RocketBomb x1
Apprentice Pack Bank
Apprentice Pack
Coins 5,500 | Rainbow Ball x2 | Double Plane x2 | RocketBomb x2
Pro Pack Bank
Pro Pack
Best Seller Icon Bank · Coins 12,000 | Rainbow Ball x3 | Double Plane x3 | RocketBomb x3 | Hammer x3 | Glove x3
Veteran Pack Bank
Veteran Pack
Coins 25,000 | Rainbow Ball x6 | Double Plane x6 | RocketBomb x6 | Hammer x6 | Glove x6
Master Pack Bank
Master Pack
Coins 53,000 | Rainbow Ball x7 | Double Plane x7 | RocketBomb x7 | Hammer x7 | Glove x7
Champion Pack Bank
Champion Pack
Best Value Icon Bank · Coins 110,000 | Rainbow Ball x13 | Double Plane x13 | RocketBomb x13 | Hammer x13 | Glove x13


Cost depends the pack you are buying and your location.
Examples: If you live in the United States, the currency will be US Dollars ($). If you live in Canada, the currency will be CA Dollars ($).

How to access the bank?[]

The bank is accessed through your coin balance next to your lives.

Special Offers[]

Sometimes, a special offer is presented, usually for only a 15% discount of all purchases. Remember, you cannot buy it yourself: Playrix has to bestow it to you. However, since recently, Playrix may also give an increase in sales instead.

